All Fees Listed are Effective September 1st , 2024.
Any member of the community can rent a room based on its availability; they are not able to charge individuals an admission fee. Religious, Political, or Commercial requests for rental space should be forwarded to the Community Recreation Supervisor. Our MLA’s or elected Officials will continue to have permission to hold Information Nights and All Candidate’s meetings with all Political Parties invited to attend. If any event is deemed to conflict with the goals and objectives of the Association, the Association reserves right to cancel any rental without notice. Renfrew Park Community Centre is a shared and publicly funded community asset, and the use of the centre must reflect this fact. Users of the centre must comply with all applicable City by-laws and Federal and Provincial legislation, including the British Columbia Human Rights Code which prohibits discriminatory conduct including conduct that would expose persons or groups to hatred or contempt. Solicitation of goods, services, political beliefs or religious beliefs is prohibited without written permission from the Renfrew Park Community Association.
Please answer the following info when submitting an inquiry to
- What would you like to title your event?
- What specifically would you be doing at this event and what is the purpose of the event?
- Is your event religious or political in nature or hosted by a religious or political organization?
- What date(s) and time(s) specifically are you looking for (i.e. Sunday, January 1st 2000, 1pm – 2pm)?
- How many people will be attending?
- Will there be any media (such as reporters, news stations, etc.) there?
- Will there be any food or beverages?
- Will there be any alcohol?
- Will there be any music?
- If so, will you be dancing?
- Will you be advertising this event to the public?
- Will you be charging participants or selling tickets for this event?
- Will you be having any third-party contractors (i.e. magicians, bouncy castles, etc.)?
- Any additional information that you may want us to know:
Please provide the following information for us to book the rental under your name:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Address:
- Postal Code:
- Birthdate:
- Phone Number:
Facility Rental Inquiries
All rental inquiries are done through email, please contact
Please note all rental inquires require a 2-week notice from requested date. Responses can typically take within 5-7 business days. Due to volume of requests rentals inquiries may take longer to confirm.
General Rental Information:
For inquiries about Dimensions, Rates, and Capacity please see below:
Fire Regulations
The City of Vancouver’s Fire and Safety Regulations set limits of the capacity allowed in the rooms. It is the responsibility of the renter to ensure that the limit is not exceeded (see table). Violation of the set limit will result in cancellation of the event and forfeiture of the deposit. Maximum capacity based on fire regulation on total area. Access to all doors must be kept clear.
Smoke FREE Area
The Vancouver Park Board’s smoke-free bylaw prohibits smoking in all parks, sports fields, playgrounds, beaches pathways, trails, seawall, and public golf courses. It also includes parking lots, green space, access streets and sidewalks that are contained within the boundaries of a park space. Smoking inside premises and outside buildings not located in a park are enforced through the Provincial Tobacco Control Act and regulations and the City of Vancouver Health Bylaw No. 9535.
No rental group is allowed to remove electrical panel covers to gain access to circuit breakers for the connection of sound and/or lighting equipment. Nothing may be stapled, nailed, or pinned to the tables, chairs, walls, floors or ceilings, masking tape can be used with exception of scotch tape on areas that are glass. NO POWDER, WAX or ANY OTHER ITEM is to be put on the floor. When rented, the kitchen is primarily for use as a “serving” area. The Centre does not have a commercial kitchen facility; therefore, food cannot be prepared in the Centre, but can be brought in (catering etc.). Extra costs if clean-up work is required after the rental. Groups that are larger than 100 people may be subjected to additional staffing at the rental supervisor’s discretion.
Setup and Cleanup
Groups are responsible for set-up and putting away all furniture and equipment used in the proper place during their rental time. The rental space must be left clean and tidy (floors swept, all garbage in the garbage can and if necessary, garbage bags). The kitchen must be cleaned including washing the counters, wiping the fridge, cleaning the sinks, sweeping the floor and damp mopping if necessary. Failure to follow these procedures will result in forfeiting damage deposit. Use of tables and chairs are included in the rental price.
All renters will be required to fill out a contract confirming you understand our guidelines. Our contracts are sent through DocuSign, if you have not received your contract please check your junk and spam inboxes. If you still do not see the contract, please contact the rental supervisor. This is mandatory contract, and your rental will not be confirmed until a contract is signed by the renter.
Those serving alcohol must present a Liquor Permit and Special Events Server (SES) or Serving it Right (SIR) prior to the rental date. All renters who neglect to provide this information will have their rentals cancelled with forfeiture of Deposits and Tariffs.
If an amusement or music fee is applicable, the rental group is responsible for the payment required (Entandem – joint venture between RESOUND & SOCAN licensing). This amount is included in your amount due. ALL music must cease at 12:00 am. Failure to do so will forfeit the security deposit.
The rental group may not use the name: “Renfrew Park Community Centre” or its phone number on any promotional material without specific written permission from RPCC. For directions to the event, promotional material may refer to the Centre as: “a rented community centre at 2929 East 22nd Avenue”.
The rental group will be responsible for any accidental, willful and/or malicious damage caused to the premises resulting from events immediately prior to, during or after the rental. Rental groups are responsible for their liability insurance and the Community Centre is not liable for any personal belongings, equipment etc. of the rental group which are lost or damaged. Damage deposit refunds will be issued 14 days after the event. We request all deposits are payed in credit to allow for contactless refunds. All other forms of payment will require additional steps.
A $5 administration fee will apply to all cancellations or rescheduling of your rental date or time. No refunds will be issued if less than one week notice is given. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Renfrew Park Community Association has the right to cancel your rental without notice. Refunds/Credits will be given for the cancelled day/s. If any event is deemed to conflict with the goals and objectives of the Renfrew Park Community Association/Vancouver Park Board, the Association or representatives reserves the right to cancel any rental without notice.

A minimum deposit of $500 (damage deposit) must be paid with a rental contract signed before the booking is considered confirmed. Full rental fee must be payed 3 months in advance to event date.
A rental supervisor will be on duty from 5:00pm – 1:00am.
All clean up related tasks have to be completed no later than 1:00am and the building has to be vacated by that time or the deposit will not be refunded.
If the centre is notified three months or more prior to the event, a $50 administration fee will be charged. If less than three months but more than 30 days notice is given, half the damage deposit will be forfeited. No refunds will be issued with 30 or less day cancellation notice given. If any event is deemed to be in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Renfrew Park Community Association/Vancouver Park Board, the Association or representatives reserves the right to cancel any rental without notice.

Falaise Community Hall – Located at 3434 Falaise Avenue, Vancouver
Falaise Community Hall is available Saturdays for parties or special occasions.
- Saturdays Only
- Maximum Capacity: 60
- One day flat rate $358.55 (start time open – end time 12am)
- $200 Damage Deposit required
- 1250 square feet (25′ x 50′)
- 10 (30″x96″) Tables
- 60 stacking chairs
- Minimum of 2 weeks notice prior to an event
- No alcohol allowed
Kitchen Available for use as a serving area
All rental groups are responsible for their own set-up, take down, and cleanup. Solicitation of goods, services, political beliefs or religious beliefs is prohibited without written permission from the Renfrew Park Community Association. Users of the centre must comply with all applicable City by-laws and Federal & Provincial legislation.
Free Street Parking in the surrounding area.
The rental group may not use the name: “Falaise Hall” or its phone number on any promotional material without specific written permission from RPCC. For directions to the event, promotional material may refer to the Hall as “a rented facility located at 3434 Falaise Avenue”.
If the centre is notified three months or more prior to the event, a $50 administration fee will be charged. If less than three months but more than 30 days notice is given, half the damage deposit will be forfeited. No refunds will be issued with 30 or less day cancellation notice given. If any event is deemed to be in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Renfrew Park Community Association/Vancouver Park Board, the Association or representatives reserves the right to cancel any rental without notice.
Slocan Community Hall – Located at 2750 East 29th Avenue , Vancouver
Slocan Community Hall is available week nights for meetings and community groups and Saturdays for parties or special occasions.
- Maximum Capacity: 40
- Monthly or Annual Contracts Available
- 30″x96″ Tables and Stacking Chairs
- Minimum 2 hours rental
- No alcohol allowed
- Damage deposit $50
- Weekdays (up to 50 people) $30.30/hr
- Weekends (up to 50 people) $45.45/hr
Parking is at the patrons’ discretion along the south side of 29th Avenue. Renfrew Park Community Association is not responsible for any damage or bylaw infractions by patrons. If possible, public transit should be considered as it is close to the 29th Avenue Sky train and bus loop.
The renter/rental group may not use the name “Slocan Community Hall” or its phone number on any
promotional material without specific written permission from Renfrew Park Community Association.
For directions to the event, promotional material may refer to the centre as: “a rented community hall
at 2750 East 29th Avenue”.
A $5 administration fee will apply to all cancellations or rescheduling of your rental date or time. No refunds will be issued if less than one week notice is given. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Renfrew Park Community Association has the right to cancel your rental without notice. Refunds/Credits will be given for the cancelled day/s. If any event is deemed to be in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Renfrew Park Community Association/Vancouver Park Board, the Association or representatives reserves the right to cancel any rental without notice.
Room Photos
Room 108

Room 110

Room 112


Slocan Hall